• Travel While Not Traveling

    My passport is collecting dust on the shelf above my desk, which makes me think I should be focusing a little more on basic household chores during this extended time at home! But it also fills me with sadness when I count how long it’s been since our last trip, and a little worry about how long it might be before it’s safe for anyone to travel once again. In the last couple of years I got on a plane every other month, sometimes monthly. My Mother’s health was declining so I’d make the trek from Hong Kong to the middle of America to help my Dad out every couple…

  • Wing of plane with mountains of Lantau Island Hong Kong seen beyond runway

    Survival Tips For International Flights

    Living in Hong Kong means traveling between 14 and 40 hours, door-to-door to see my family in America. Yes, they say life is supposed to be more about the journey than the destination, but that’s a lot of journeying in a cramped metal tube, filled with germs and strangers and crying babies and lackluster food! Spending a lot of time in the air isn’t something which gets easier with practice for me. But I’ve found a few things to make it a bit more comfortable. When you look up survival tips for long haul flights, it’s generally advice for how to survive 10+ hours with a baby or toddler. My…

  • Blue and white sheets of fabric called Blue Nankeen hanging on clothesline outdoors in Shanghai

    Blue Nankeen Exhibition Hall

    Of all the world’s traditional handicrafts, I’m most fascinated by the fiber arts. There’s something special about the textiles which make up our human history all over the planet. It’s not something we give much thought to when we go to the mall to buy a new pair of jeans, but creating the fabric for clothing and other uses took up a big part of the lives of artisans in every culture throughout the world. Modern advances in construction techniques mean we’re losing part of our history as the artisans who spent their lives creating textiles by hand retire without passing on their craft to a new generation. In a…