Life Abroad

Happy New Year!

Welcome Friends! 2020 is here and bringing a much needed fresh start for all of us. So many things happened in 2019 that we’d love to sweep under the carpet and forget, but all that does is delay dealing with it and creates a lumpy floor…

We took our Christmas card photo all the way back in October this year, but the cards themselves didn’t actually go out until two weeks before Christmas. We’re almost done with the first week of January, and friends and family are still receiving their cards!

Family of teenager, father, mother, and another teenager holding a toy poodle standing in front of a triangular glass front building.

It’s crazy to think that both of my children are not just taller than me, but both have achieved passing up their father! As for our little toy poodle, Lucy Rocket, she is now eight years old and as big as she’ll ever get.

I’m excited to share some new posts with you very soon. In the meantime, I hope your holiday season was memorable for all the right reasons!

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