• Fish & Chips on newspaper

    Fish & Chips Day

    Twenty-five years ago my new boyfriend and I were busy working in entertainment production. We had crazy schedules for rehearsals and show shifts. Our paths were going in the same direction, but not often crossing to give us time to really know each other. One evening the stars aligned and we had a few hours around dinnertime to share a…

  • Blue and white sheets of fabric called Blue Nankeen hanging on clothesline outdoors in Shanghai

    Blue Nankeen Exhibition Hall

    Of all the world’s traditional handicrafts, I’m most fascinated by the fiber arts. There’s something special about the textiles which make up our human history all over the planet. It’s not something we give much thought to when we go to the mall to buy a new pair of jeans, but creating the fabric for clothing and other uses took…

  • Moana: A Homecoming Celebration

    From my earliest childhood, all I wanted to do was travel the world. A wildly imaginative and precocious kid, my poor frustrated parents would frequently throw their hands up in the air and say, “What are we going to do with you?” My answer was always, “Send me to Germany!” No I didn’t know anyone there, or anyone from there,…

  • In-N-Out in Hong Kong

    Being a native Southern Californian means I grew up eating at In-N-Out Burger. The chain was birthed in Baldwin Park, California in 1948, and featured the very first burger drive-thru in existence. By the time I was born, there were eighteen restaurants dotting the Greater Los Angeles landscape. I have no “first memory” of dining at an In-N-Out Burger, it’s just…